Earl Simmons Research Paper

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Have you ever wondered why most people are told they won't be anything? Earl Simmons was one of those people, you may say he proved them right but he changed that.I choose Earl as my african-american because he’s strong,determined,and loving. Earl is my famous african-American! Generally most people would say Earl was strong.This is because Earl grew up without a father and a very abusive mother,but it didn't stop there his mother never fed him and if she did he had waited until she had woken up. Earl says “ She had this tray of perfume I-I drunk some I mean it smelt good”Earls troubles started December 18,1970,in Yonkers,New York on School street. Around there poverty and violence had took over many of they days. Benneta had raised Earl alone in a government affiliated apartment. Family members say it was as if she was taking all the pain she had suffered in her life out on him. In some cases she would say things like “ …show more content…

After a while he stated to want more so he began to rob people mostly women he carried this pocket knife and was a threat to anyone who stood in his way. Earl was kicked out of school and forced to move into a alternative school at the age of 11 yrs old. 18 lonely doomed months he spent in the school.Earl had no one to trust or protect him he soon turned to Hip-Hop. When he was released he met up with a street rapper named Ready Ron they want all across Yonker looking for anybody to battle. Earl named himself after a DJ Spinner his new name was DMX.During that time that wasn't the only thing Dmx did with him every once in a while he’d take a puff from Ron’s blunt but little did he know Ron had put coke in the blunt.Later in an interview DMX says “ It just wasn't what I wanted to

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