Earl Lloyd Biography Essay

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In 1928, on April 3 in Alexandria Virginia. A legend was born. Growing up in the time of segregation was hard. Living in the time of desegregation was even harder in the 1950’s when Earl was making his impact on later generations. Earl Lloyd standing up for the later generations of African-American and other races in the National Basketball Association. I struggled coming up with an idea this year. I wanted something that change big things but that not many people think about too much. My teacher, Mrs. Barnett gave me the idea of doing some sort of desegregation in sports and who started it. Basketball season was starting for me and so I looked it up. Turns out to be a very interesting story of Earl’s career and impact. My team consist of …show more content…

I found many sources with a lot of information and videos that gave me quotes and information not provided on websites. I presents my research on my project as what Earl went through to give the opportunity to others. I grabbed many quotes from interviews from the NPR website. I first drew out a plan of where I wanted pictures, characters, quotes, etc.Then I got a wood frame that I created along with my dad. Painted it gray to make a good contrast between the white, black, and orange colors. After gathering the information need to complete my project. I glued it on another sheet to bring it out then glued that onto the board. A found an old clipboard to add more effect on as if you were in a game and put my annotated sources and process paper. Earl Lloyd was the first big step, or the first step into integrating the NBA. He was one of the first African-American drafted into the NBA. The first African-American as a National Champion of the National Basketball Association. He was the second African-American to be a head coach in the NBA. (Head Coach for the Detroit Pistons) Earl Lloyd changed the way the game will be played forever. Now, thanks to him, 74.4% of the NBA is African-American players. Earl Lloyd stood up for several generations of kids to have an opportunity to make their mark, Life, and living in the National Basketball

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