Torah Model

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The Creation of the Torah
I have decided to demonstrate my three-dimensional model based on the Hebrew scripture of the Torah scroll. The Torah has many aspects to it which make it unique. In Judaism, the law enforcing God was revealed to Moses and was recorded in the first five books (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) of the Hebrew scriptures. The scroll consists of many different lessons, passages, origins, and laws. The scroll that I created was based on two rods, pegs which are placed at the top of the rods, the scroll paper which is held by the rods to keep the scroll in place, and inside the scripture is the sacred messages of the Hebrew faith and what Jewish people believed in their faith and culture. Inside the scroll that I created had many lessons, and messages which were believed in the Jewish faith. Such as love, faith, happiness, life, and the Jewish sacred scriptures which were the “Old Testament”. The historical and religious significance that the message had based on what I established …show more content…

Such as wooden rods, wooden pegs, paper scroll, tea bags, a lighter, ribbon, markers, and a feather. First I started off by separating the wooden rods into two, and hot gluing the wooden pegs on both sides of the rod to give it more of a realistic dimension. Next, I measured a certain amount of paper scroll which would fit in between the rods. That created the base for the Torah. Then I took a tea bag and made sure it was wet so that I could dab it on top of the scroll to make it look old and historic. After that, I began to fill the inside with Hebrew lettering, and symbols just like an actual Torah scripture. I also added quotes that resembled life, and the purpose of living, and how Jewish people were treated in olden days. Lastly, I finished it off by rolling it and adding a red ribbon around it, and a feather to give it a finished

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