Dtlls Unit 2 Assignment

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This part of the project will take 4 sessions.

- Activity 1: the teacher will explain his students what they are supposed to do in the following sessions and he will divide the class into 5 groups, which will be new, not the ones formed for the first and second parts of the project. In this part of the project, students will not be working in groups, but individually; the teacher will form groups so that students will post in different sections and not in the same section, what will be a chaos (they will post in the section they are assigned (A, B, C, D or E) but they will do it individually) This will take about 15 minutes.

- Activity 2: brainstorming. In order to start with the class, the teacher will ask his students about stereotypes they may have about British people. Then, he will show them a document in which they will find some stereotypes people have of British people, for example: British people drink tea all the time, in Britain it is always raining... After having a look at the stereotypes, each student, individually, will write between 5-6 questions they would like to answer their foreign partners related to stereotypes. This activity will take about 40 minutes.

- Activity 1: the teacher will revise all the questions to check their appropriateness. This activity will last about 20 …show more content…

As they will not be able to finish this activity in class (they will be able just to work on the transcripts), they will be asked to finish it at home, for homework. What they are supposed to do is to make a brief video of themselves (or voice recording in the case they do not feel like creating a video), telling their foreign partners about their experience, what they have learned, what they have liked...and thanking them for their collaboration. This activity will last about 25

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