Drug Testing Persuasive Speech

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What you didn’t know, 20 million Americans aged 12 or older used an illegal drug in the past 30 days. Drug abuse is real; people die and suffer every day from overdosing on drugs. Are you addict I bet you think you’re not well most tend to tell themselves that. They are hooked already; on the drug that they are on and more likely embarrassed about the addiction.
The word Drug abuse is a rising factor in the word and the youth of today. With numbers of addicts caused by drugs, is rising thru roof and we got to ask why? Well the youth and people today can find their hands on it easily. They find in the places that you could get easy access to like bars, clubs, parties and even at school. The drugs are so called club drugs which most of …show more content…

If the person refuse to agree to periodic testing the doctor has the right to refuse the prescription. New legislation will require that federally mandated work place drug testing include urine testing for addional synthetics opioids. Drug effects on kids are trending to be more and more a big deal because it is so easy to try and get ahold of it. A lot of kids tend to move to doing drugs like alcohol and then end up doing weed and alcohol which is a very bad mixture it makes it ten times dangerous. Since the 1990s the number of youth people that discovered a new class of drugs. A new class of drugs, known as club drugs at the first, the drug typically was consumed at party’s nightclubs, and large dances. They are even sold on any curb by middle class young people in comfortable suburban. Once raves starting attacking teens in the urban locations is did not take long before it started getting addicting substance ecstasy pills come in a variety of shapes, sizes ,and colors they affect the never cells thought the body are known as neurons each person body acts different. Drug effects on kids are tending to be more a big deal because it is so easy to get ahold of it. A lot of kids think that it is ok because they see their friends doing it or sometime even sometimes even their own parents so they think its ok. A …show more content…

People that sniff usually breath in fumes through their noses, while huffers will soak a rag with their favorite chemical. And inhale from that, users actually seal a plastic bag around there head and fill it with toxic gas. Many users have died with the bag still on their head; you should not inhale or consume any product that is not clearly a food or a drink. There is even kids that have started to sniff glue due to the high that is gives them after a while. Not realizing it could lead to permeant brain damage, the oxygen Carrying, capacity of the blood can cause a rash around the nose and the mouth, referred to glue sniffer. Gathering of fatty tissue may cause liver damage. Heroin use changes a person’s life, the drug is very expensive, and much of the time they usually start to do criminal activity such as stealing. Addicts may even start dealing the drugs to have money and have a ready supply. About four hours after heroin is used, if more is taken the user will begin to feel the effects of withdrawals. His eyes will start to tear up, and will experience flu like symptoms will conclude sneezing, depressed, weakness, cramping, and diarrhea. An addict going thru withdrawals cannot eat, sleep and move around too much. This much can hurt you the body is trying to rebalance its self even first time user can feel the effects of withdrawals symptoms the user continues to take

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