Drug Addiction In Iran Essay

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Drug addiction is a major problem in Iran and is highly affecting the health of its population. Iran’s health has been under the influence of narcotics and addiction for many years, with it leading to the spreading of AIDS and even going as far to affecting the economy, thus, keeping the bridge between the rich and poor unreachable and unmanageable. Being one of the main narcotics Iran has been dealing with throughout the 20th Century, Opium, a reddish-brown heavy-scented addictive drug prepared from the juice of the opium poppy, has been trafficked through the country amassing millions of addicts in its wake. With over 2.8 percent of its population over the age of 15 addicted to it it’s become one of the main problems that leads to the branching out of other drugs. The use of Heroin and other …show more content…

Yet, Hassan Hashemi, Iran’s Minister of Health has stated, “Today people in Iran are frightened of AIDS because of misinformation and unscientific claims. This is why it remains a taboo.” This has led to an increase in the number of people affected by HIV/AIDS in the past 11 years with an 80 percent increase every year. With such a large taboo this had many infected with the virus keep to themselves and have limited contact with the outside world. However, the 2008 report on the global AIDS epidemic stated that Iran’s Needle Exchange Program, which is offered for those of low income to exchange needles to help stop the spread of such melodious diseases and viruses, is a courageous and visionary example in the battle against AIDS. Despite this for many Iranians drug addiction is the first response towards depression when confronted with problems they don’t know how to face. With 1-2 million out of its 70 million inhabitants addicted to narcotics the government of Iran has seemingly put drug abuse high on its list of things to take care of and with good

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