Drinking Soda Research Paper

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96% of Americans suffer from tooth decay. Why? Well, due to high amounts of sugar and acid consumption teeth can rot, stain, and erosion. Drinking soda is bad for one’s dental health. What Makes Soda Acidic? Phosphoric acid is an acid found in soda that is responsible for tooth decay. Phosphoric acid can easily Soda is 10 times more acidic than fruit juice. Most Fruit juices score a 2 on the pH scale. The pH scale is a measurement of acidity of a chemical. On the pH scale 0 is most acidic and 14 is least acidic. Any substance that ranks lower than a 4 or 5 on the pH scale is bad for your tooth enamel. Phosphoric acid is used in dentists to shape teeth. Phosphoric acid can easily erode teeth due to its high acidity level. Phosphoric acid has …show more content…

On average, each person consumes about 400 8-fluid ounce bottles which is about 175 pounds. Amazingly, about 36 grams, 9 and a half teaspoons, 9 sugar cubes, or 18 sugar packets of sugar are in one can. What Can Sugar Do? Sugar might not be so sweet after all. Sugar is known to be bad for one’s health. Sugar can not only decay your teeth, but also bring health problems such diabetes, high blood glucose, and hyperglycemia due to having too much sugar in one’s blood. Since there are many grams of sugar in Coca Cola, many people who drink soda are more likely to have these diseases, which are life threatening. Other diseases include brain problems, higher cholesterol, and even cancer. The United Nations Health Agency gives an estimate that “3.4 million people die of diabetes every year,”[(unmultimedia.org, 2012)(Meringolo (number))]. Disease Soda Diabetes, stomach problems, and cancer. The average person this may not seem that bad, but these can be easily found by drinking Coca Cola daily. In the caramel coloring in Coca Cola has been tested to cause cancer. Due to the amount of sugar in the soda, Coca Cola can be linked to diabetes, and the adequate and insufficient amounts of unhealthy ingredients in

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