Dramatic Monologue

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I discreetly trudged along behind the other kids. A high school girl announced our competition and paired me into a group with other sheepish freshmen.
“Who are you?” I questioned.
“Mary, the team captain this past year” she responded.
“Here are your materials, hit that target with this styrofoam ball from as far away as possible” All the kids swept up the supplies like vultures with meat. Our group only got some measly paper and tape.
“Well, we’ve lost already” I mumbled.
“You’re not done yet,” the girl noted as she walked by, “Does anyone have any ideas on how we can use paper to get the ball to the target?”
“No, we don’t have any way to store energy” a freshman announced, “Other groups have rubber bands and balloons”
“What about gravity?” she walked away.
“Oh!” a diffident freshman proclaimed after a …show more content…

I had a challenge planned for the students, get a marshmallow as far as you can without human interaction and only with designated craft supplies.
“Who are you?” peeped a little girl.
“I am Liam, a senior from our FRC team. I’ll be mentoring you throughout the season and organizing our competitions” I responded.
I didn’t hear much from her for the rest of the activity, but I noticed that she was part of the winning group. While other groups had made rubber band launchers, her group had found an intelligent loophole.
“Alright, time to head back in and meet up with your parents again” I announced.
As the rest of the students grudged back in with their new found friends, the girl hung back.
“What’s the matter?”
“Thank you!” She exclaimed as she ran up to me and hugged me, “I moved from Illinois this summer where we had an First Lego League (FLL) and FTC team. I was on the FLL team for ages and we were the best! When my parents told me I was moving to here and there is no FTC team, I was heartbroken. But now, I get to be on the big kids team! Thank you! Thank You! Thank You! You changed my

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