Drama Portfolio

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Drama Portfolio

When I entered the stimulus room my initial reactions were that it had

been created in a way that it made you think about what was going on

within each section of the room. For example none of the objects were

straightforward and simple to figure out. A lot of the items were

symbolic and had multiple meanings such as the mirror in the past

section could mean a change of appearance or reflecting on the past.

The room was divided into three different sections, past, present and

future. There were dividers in-between the sections and these also

seemed to have meanings. I interpreted the whole room as being one

person’s past, present and future and the room told this persons

story. The future section was covered by a large white cloth. On top

of the cloth was a bench on which lay a shape that looked like a body.

This instantly made me think of a funeral, as next to the body was a

huge vase of flowers. Also in this section was a table set out for

one, which I think indicates that the person who died was lonely when

they died, as it is only set out for one. On the white cloth was

painted a large question mark, which I think was placed there to

symbolise the uncertainty of the future, and the mystery of death.

Hanging up in the corner of this section was a larger than life

railway ticket that read “On my way to meet Fiona.” This gave me the

idea that maybe Fiona was somebody that the dead person knew and she

passed away. Now that the mystery person has died too they are going

to meet them in heaven.

The divider between this and the present section was a row of blank

newspapers on the floor, and I think these were put here to show that

it was the future section (as the newspapers haven’t been written yet)

and maybe to imply that the person who died was important or famous

(as their death was in the newspaper).

In the middle of the room was the present section. In this section the

main theme was time. There were pictures of melting clocks stuck to

the walls, on the floor and there was clock with no hands chalked on

the floor. There was also a working clock placed on the floor. I think

all of these objects were to symbolise time passing by, and that time

is precious. Also in this section was a table laid out for two. I

think this is to symbolise meeting someone – maybe a partner or

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