Dorma Research Papers

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The port-city of Dorma is located on the northern bank of the Bay of Korfos, on the island of the same name. Dorma is a colonized territory of Brom, the largest kingdom of humans in the northern hemisphere of Arth. Positioned a mere one hundred miles east of the mainland, Dorma acts as the largest trading hub on the Sea of Kraken. Despite its high northern latitude, Dorma enjoys a mild climate, and a long, rainy season. This is largely due, in part, to the active volcano on this roughly 70 mile island. With a respectable population of 1,300, Dorma sees, on average, at least a dozen trade vessels daily, and at any given time, hosts several hundred sailors, merchants, diplomats, and tradesmen. The city is proportioned on a general east-to-west layout, accommodating the bay. The docks, easily twice the length of the actual city, cover the entire bay with 37 separate slips. The city of Dorma has few natural exports, but facilitates trade between various nations, making a steep turnover for itself. One of the few natural exports that the city boasts is grain. Having large tracts of farmable land located outside the city, Dorma has more than enough to feed its host of soldiers and citizens. The sea provides ample fishing to supplement the food stores, as well as stone, mud, and …show more content…

Their official doctrine of religion states that “belief in the divine weakens the flesh.” They train their soldiers and citizens to put king and country first. No temples or churches are found within the city; and, laws exist that punish those caught openly worshipping or proselytizing. These charges can range from “public nuisance,” to “high treason,” based upon the nature of the offense. There are those who worship in secret, however, especially Dianara, the Queen of Coins, as well as Nephtu, the Ocean

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