Donna Emfield Case Study

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Donna Emfield is a LCPC at Pearl Health Clinic. The population in which she serves is generally children whose parents are going through a divorce and the children have been court ordered, or it has been strongly recommended that they have counseling. She has also seen clients who have a criminal background where the court or parole officer made counseling a requirement of their probation however, that is not the main population she sees’s in this situation. The positives that she has seen with working with clients, who have a criminal past, which they are motivated to “get out of the system” (D. Emfield, personal communication, October 14, 2016). At the same time, the client’s see the court order as something to check off their list and …show more content…

“Having to walk the line of how much to report and what to report complicates everything” (D. Emfield, personal communication, October 14, 2016). Ethically that is the biggest struggle she has seen with court referred clients. “You want to respect the client’s confidentiality and at the same time you have to work with the court or parole officer” (D. Emfield, personal communication, October 14, 2016). Donna also spoke of times where she legally had to report or do something that was not ethical and how she had struggles with those types of …show more content…

In her experiences she has learned that some are stricter than others about the requirements of the client and counselor. Explaining how the informed consent is a way to help the court or parole office understand what you believe your position is in the situation. She also recommended seeing if the court or parole officer would be satisfied with a letter summarizing the sessions instead of handing over the clinical

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