Brenda C. Barnes Case Study

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Brenda C. Barnes: CEO of Sara Lee
Brittany Heffner
Brenda C. Barnes: CEO of Sara Lee
Brenda C. Barnes was born in 1953. The first known job I was able to find for Brenda was with Wilson Sporting Goods in Chicago as a Business Manager. (4) After 28 years and many high profile positions, it was announced that Brenda was being made the CEO of the company Sara Lee on July 1, 2004. The day that Brenda was made the new CEO of Sara Lee, this put the director count at twelve.

History of Brenda C. Barnes
Brenda C. Barnes has worked for many big name companies during her working career. Some of the companies that Brenda has worked for, she has been the Vice President, Chief Executive Officer, or a Director. She has accomplished all of this and yet, she is only 50 years old. She has worked hard and has proven over her career that she is dedicated in what she does and enjoys.
Some of the companies that Brenda has worked for include; PepsiCo, The New York Company, Staples Inc., Avon Products, Inc., PepsiAmericas, Inc. Sears, and Roebuck & Co, and many more. She can now add Sara Lee to her list of companies as well. As you can see, Brenda has served and worked as a high profile employee for multiple different companies. (1) It appears though, that her longest company worked for was PepsiCo. At PepsiCo she worked in different departments and different positions for 22 years. Gaining much experience with each job she held. (1) After so many years in one company you can only imagine the knowledge she gained; how a company was run, the amount of money the company received in revenue, the budget of the company, how to manage employees, and present herself to those in higher authority to herself.
(2) According to Food Engineering, on May 25, 201...

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