Donkeys In The Workplace

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The scene is set in the public sector at the Dallas County District Clerk’s office. Conspicuously, in my opinion, the public sector is where the darkness in human souls spills out, while they speak of democracy, and, by the same token, dehumanize their subordinates. They are the beast within often referred to as donkeys and elephants, whereas, they prey on the people they serve, and no one can escape them unharmed, especially, when they set their sights on you, then only God can help you, because donkeys kick and elephants have violent rages. By all means, power corrupts, plus, no one can sustain in an enormous organization without delegating, and if a manager has no confidence in his abilities to succeed or if he is jealous of his subordinates, …show more content…

For example, on legal documents, like writs were only done by the manager, when everybody in the department knew how to do them, yet, they were not allowed to execute them, alternatively, they were set aside for her eyes only, instead of letting the subordinates in the department do the work, and the consequences were dire, a job that would normally take 10 minutes, would take 2 days, because only one person was working on it. Notably, the manager needed to have let the subordinates help, but she wanted to prove that the job was complicated and time consuming, whereas, no one could do it, but her, additionally, if she had an emergency and had to leave work or if she was on vacation the job would not get done, and there would be a backlog of work waiting for her, when she returned, because she had specific orders for no one to touch those documents but she. Comparatively, in large organizations by seeking to be superlative, competent manager can become inadequate and unprofessional with customers complaints rising, and the work becoming dormant reflecting on the department as a whole, whereas, the department seemed ineffective. …show more content…

For example, the movement of the “me too” substantiated that the private sector is no different from the public sector, as well as, the fact that no one reveals their true self, until it is too

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