Domestic Violence: Why Do People Overcome Domestic Abuse?

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Why do people experience domestic abuse? If a person wants to stop domestic abuse should they turn to family, friends or society? Domestic violence covers all forms of sexual, financial, verbal, emotional or physical damage to a person. Experts are trying to answer why do people experience domestic abuse and how to help victims to fight with a few strategies. Studies show some solutions are starting to appear about why do people experience domestic violence.

The first reason behind domestic abuse is where one individual seeks to assert power and control over the other. Example, the abuser, may attempt to isolate the victim from other people who may assist. In a survey, they were asked: “Why did you wait so long to leave or why didn't you speak to someone?” A good way to end domestic abuse is by talking about it to someone, anyone who can be of assistance. It’s important for a victim to raise their voice against the violence they …show more content…

While most people blame victims, blaming traumatizes and discourages them to speak out and stand up against being victimised. “Maybe you did something wrong” or “It takes two to tango”; people say, but if the victim is at fault somewhere, violence is never a solution to anything. Stop justifying violence, stop blaming the victim and help them fight against it. Victim blaming also adds to the increase of most violent cases, which seek further resolving. Three ways that specialists discovered that people could stop domestic abuse are people should speak about it to someone. They should use workshops which spread awareness against domestic violence and use television and radio communication to spread awareness among people. The last way is to stop blaming the victim and help them fight against it. Everybody wishes to put an end to domestic abuse, and studies are assisting people to learn how to stop it instead of tolerating

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