Domestic Violence Research Paper

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If you or a loved one is dealing with domestic violence, you do not have to suffer alone. There are domestic violence professionals who are trained in helping you to break free from the cycle of abuse. Although leaving an abusive partner can be terrifying, you need to get help before the abuse intensifies. When it comes to domestic violence, you should never be afraid to seek help through medical, emotional or legal support.

Domestic Violence Is Not Just Physical

One of the main reasons that people choose not to get help is because they are worried about how it will affect their family. Domestic violence is not always physical. Often, it includes emotional, sexual, economic or verbal components. The abuser may refuse to share financial resources, or they may encourage you to quit your job. By taking economic control, the abuser is trying to make you dependent on them entirely so that you cannot get help.

Legal Recourse for Financial Problems

If you are worried about leaving for financial reasons, you can get legal protection. You have rights to your earnings, and there are other programs that can help you to restart your life. Worries about finances do not have to stop you from leaving your abusive partner. Depending on your relationship status, the number of children in your family and the
They may isolate you from your friends and family so that no one is able to help you. Likewise, they may try to humiliate you in public or criticize everything about you. All of this is done to break you down so that you are not able to leave them. In reality, you have all of the tools and abilities necessary to become independent. There are domestic abuse hotlines and programs that are designed to help you get back on your feet and rediscover yourself. No matter how bad the abuse has been, you have the potential to start a new, happier

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