Domestic Violence Persuasive Speech

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Domestic Violence and Terrorism
In Australia, two in three women and one in three men have revealed that they have been physically abused whilst in a relationship. Sadly, these are only the victims that found the courage to speak up about the experience leaving the silent still fearing their lives. This is one of the many reasons why I strongly believe that domestic violence is a greater risk than terrorism within Australia. During this speech I will be discussing the statistics, issues and outcomes of domestic violence and making suggestions for what we as Australians can do to help get rid of abuse for good.

Domestic violence is defined as a pattern of violent or aggressive behaviour which a person seeks to control and dominate another person, usually instilling fear within the victim. Likewise, terrorism aims to seek control by imposing fear within the public. However, there is a higher incident rate of domestic abuse that has led to serious injury and even death within Australia in comparison to terrorism. Professor Greg Austin confirms …show more content…

Not only can abuse leave a physical injury but it also is damaging to the victim’s long term health. The domestic violence prevention centre states that victims suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, suicidal tendencies and substance abuse. Abuse in homes sets a horrendous example of what a ‘normal’ household looks like for children who have witnessed or been involved in domestic violence. Additionally, those children may experience low self-esteem, poor academic ability and also show aggressive behaviour and many of the children from violent homes grow up to be abusers or victims themselves. Australians must acknowledge that the outcomes for victims and their families and friends are appalling and action must be done to reduce the threat to our

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