Dolores Huerta

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I went to the movie Dolores on Wednesday March 21. I thought this film was very good. It was about Dolores Huerta. She is a political activist for her community and women. She dedicated her life to the United Farm Workers. Her along with César Chávez founded the National Farm Workers. She wanted to help Latin Americans receive the same rights as everyone else in America. She found out how badly the farm workers conditions were and decided something needed to be done. She sent out and set up strikes and walks against the farm workers employers. She helped the farm workers gain vacations, health care, water breaks, and having the pesticides not sprayed on them while they worked. She even created a strike on grapes. She also worked on women’s …show more content…

She fought for people's rights, which is something that we talk about in our class. She was able to achieve intersectional activism by fighting for not only Latin American and farm workers rights, but also for women’s rights. She showed everyone that there was a problem and created a revolution of protests for people’s rights. She fought for equality for the farm workers. She knew that if these workers were white males they would not be treated the same as the Latin American workers. She made sure they received equal pay and work benefits in the fields. She also made sure those pesticides were not sprayed on the workers. If it were the white worker this kind of thing would never happen or if it did everyone would be appalled. Not only did she fight for these worker's equality she also fought for women’s rights. She was in a counsel fo seven men. She had to make sure her opinion was heard. She fought with the lead guy who she was equally founded with her. When Chávez died she found it harder to voice her opinions. The men would just disregarded and ignored her opinions so she retired. She ended up creating the Dolores Huerta Foundation. This foundation inspires people to create their own community programs for social

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