Doing Work That Matters: The Impact Of Gloria Anzaldúa's

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Lea Ramsdell expands on the importance of Anzaldua’s demanding tone for hybridity by referring to the way in which it integrates language on the political spectrum. In the text, “Language and identity politics: The linguistic autobiographies of Latinos in the United States,” Ramsdell focuses on the way in which language determines so much of one’s identity. He argues that language constructs identity in many aspects and that identity is the ultimate deciding factor to one’s life. Ramsdell relates to Anzaldua’s expert How to Tame a Wild Tongue to represent the way in which Anzaldua has expressed her concern in a different aspect than many writers on this subject. Ramsdell explains that Anzaldua is demanding recognition of the hybrid language …show more content…

As Anzaldua expresses the cultural and societal barriers of linguistic oppression, Norma E. Cantu references the essay to elaborate on the consequences of such barriers. Cantu splits her essay, “Doing Work That Matters: The Impact Of Gloria Anzaldúa’s Borderlands/La Frontera:
The New Mestiza,” into three parts, each of which represent the redefining aspects of Anzaldua’s writing in regards to Chicano/a identity. Cantu depicts the way in which Anzaldua’s writing so distinctively represents the issue at hand. “In Borderlands/La Frontera she lays out the tenets of border theory, but it is not just an analysis and exploration of the geopolitical border where she grew up but the borders at multiple levels, class, gender and sexuality, ethnicity, nationality and even the borders we inhabit within our own contradictions.” In expressing the border beyond its true meaning Anzaldua allows for her writing to employ a deeper meaning. Cantu argues for the dynamic and radical changes that Anzaldua’s writing portrays and paradigm shift it serves to the prevalent problem among

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