Ami Tan Mother Tongue Thesis

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Coming from a world where different languages are spoken. English will be the main language that is spoken in the Unite State. Even though it is the most trouble language to speak, the majority will always judge the minority because of their accent when speaking the language. The following 3 materials are example of people struggling speaking the language or trying to fit in in a society where English is spoken “formally”. The majority most of the time, will underestimate those who doesn’t speak “formal English”. As people who doesn’t deserve the same attention as those one whom actually do. The essay “Mother Tongue” by Ami Tan is a clear example for thesis. First of all the title “Mother Tongue” is a double edge knife, it could mean …show more content…

Anzaldua was born in Texas daughter of Mexican parents. She was trapped in a culture neither English nor Spanish where she was being oppressed by both sizes. In paragraph 4 she narrates how she was punished by a teacher after telling the teacher how to pronounce her name correctly. In addition to the punishment, the teacher told her “If you want to be American speak American”. “If you don’t like it, go back to Mexico where you belong”. Extremely strong words that delivers a tense sense of racism, discrimination and oppression against Anzaldua. Words capable of destroy any ones self-esteem. Moreover in paragraph 6 she writes about a university that obligated Chicano (U.S citizen born from Mexican parents) students to take an extra speech class so they could lose their accent. This shows the huge oppression established by the majority to this specific minority. Anzaldua showing her discontent with society for obligating Chicanos to get rid of what they would call their identity. A dialect which combined English and Spanish words together (Spanglish). Jumped to the 1st amendment of the Unite State Constitution, Stating that what they doing is a violation of freedom of speech. “Oye Como Ladra; El Lenguage de la Frontera”. Is one of the few phrases she added on her essay in Spanish to make the reader somehow feel, what she is going through. This phrase means “Listen how barks; the border’s language”. A savage language is how Spanish majority considered the Spanglish Chicanos speak, a sort of language harmful to Standard Spanish. Therefore this minority couldn’t fit neither in English society nor Spanish

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