Do Android Dream Of Electric Sheep Essay

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Did you know at the rate of which Artificial Intelligence is being adopted in various areas of our lives, it is predicted that it will replace 16% of our jobs over the next decade. Artificial intelligence is incredible but alarming. In the book ”Do Android Dream Of Electric Sheep by Philip K Dick Rick is an interesting character because he is compassionate, confused and determined to kill the androids. I believe that Rick is compassionate because he develop feeling for the Androids. In the book ”Do Android Dream of Electric Sheep”by Philip K Dick the book stated that “This rehearsal will end, the performance will end, the singers will die, eventually the last score of the music will be destroyed in one way or another; finally the name "Mozart" will vanish, the dust will have won.(Dick 143)” Being an opera lover hints that there's something going on underneath that “ kill kill kill” exterior something that leaves him open for change. When Rick meets Luba Luft, he doesn't see an android but a woman who can sing opera elegantly and (unlike a lot of humans) seems to love art. Rick actually begins to feel empathy for her and even purchases her a book featuring her favorite painting in the art museum, Munch's The Scream , moments before her execution in the elevator. …show more content…

In the book Rick is watching Resch execute Luba Luft in the elevator however, Rick begins to question whether he wants to be someone that annihilate androids. Resch's complete lack of empathy for androids even makes Rick question whether Resch is an android himself, Voigt-Kampff test or not. After Luba's death, Rick tells Resch the difference between them: "The way you killed Garland and then the way you killed Luba. You don't kill the way I do; you don't try to—Hell," he said. "I know what it is. You like to kill. (Dick

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