Diversity In Martin Luther King

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Diversity is a singularity. People are different. Diversity isn’t something we have, it’s something we are. But we can’t judge others because they’re different from us. We can’t judge until we know what’s inside them. We’re different and that’s what makes us special and unique. We need to judge people by their personality and not by their looks. Even know the look might say a lot about the personality, still we can’t say that they are bad or nice just because of the way they look. We can’t all be rich, well-dressed or perfect all the time, because we are imperfect and that’s what makes who we are. We can’t win a fight with imperfection, but the best way to deal with it is to accept that we will never be perfect. And that isn’t a bad thing. …show more content…

A lot of people opened our eyes and showed us that white skin colored people aren’t better than black skin colored people. Everyone is great on his own way. Martin Luther King was just as great as everyone else. Somehow he was even better. Not because he was male or that he had a black skin color, because he had a pure heart and a wish that …show more content…

But still, some were still selfish and did not appreciate him and his work. Those people think high on themselves and think that they are better than the others. That’s just because their hearts are not pure, their mind is not set to the correct way of life. And they’re living their life the wrong way. The right thing to do might not always be the easiest, but most importantly it is the responsible thing to do. For example, Mother Teresa surrendered her heart and soul in order to help others and make their life better. Even most of them were diseased in a dangerous way, she didn’t cared, because she knew that they weren’t only hungry for bread and thirsty for water, they were also hungry for love. They wanted to know that they are special and perfect for someone, that someone cares for them, that they aren’t just a dead weight for some people. Mother Teresa won a Nobel prize for peace, and a big amount of cash, but she didn’t accepted them because she knew that money are the root of all evil and that if we can’t be there one for another, then we’ve lost our purpose. The meaning of life isn’t about being rich on cash

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