Diversity In Health Care Essay

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Why is there such a gap in the diversity of world health care system? There are signifacaint reason as to why there is a difference in countries all over the world. One reason which has an impact of the health system is the population within coutries. When Popualtion growh increases healthcare cost through increased healthcare utilization and the needs for healthcare expansion. Another keys in worlds healthcare is the increasing and decreasing birth rate. If brith rate drops that is less expenses the ecomnoy has to wory about, but if increases more money will have to be contributed to the child. The implication of life span population can affect healthcare system because the older a person is he prone they are to contact many chronic diseases. …show more content…

Also, the impact on climate change can hinder a person health state due to industrial activities in a country that emit much of the nation’ s pollution to air, water and soil. Another component that provides reasoning to healthcare system is education because the more educated an indivual are more likely to live a heathier life depending on the county. Violent crime on a country healthcare system can become very costly for the money that has to be spent on preparedness for all kinds of traunmatic injuries. The cost of living can also play a key role into healthcare because country that have a low cost of living people are usually able to afford healthcare oppose to those with higher expenses. Employment rate in a country has a huge impact on an individual desire to work because the more healthier a person are more likely to work.Lets see how each factor as stated above affects the following countries that are considered to have the best healthcare system: Canada, Britain, Singapore, Germany, switzeralnd, france Australia, United

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