Right To Equal Health Care Essay

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Universal health care is defined as evidence-based practices and services which are available, accessible, affordable and acceptable by all people unrelated of their age, sex, religion, origin, nationality, socioeconomic status or geographic background. This definition leads to question if universal health care is an entity all Americans should have a right to? Though universal access to health care is alleged to raise taxes, create a shortage of doctors and can ride the fine line of spiraling the United States into socialism, it carries the possibility of saving lives. The right to equal health care should be granted to all Americans because it can improve public health by diagnosing and treating otherwise unmet health needs. It can allow those with chronic medical needs a broader access to necessary care and medications. The right to equal health care may also help improve upon economic productivity by decreasing financial loss. …show more content…

These are all points raised in an article published by healthcare.procon.com titled “Should All Americans Have the Right (Be Entitled) to Health Care?” last updated on 12/3/2014 and what will be addressed in the following

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