Diverse Lifestyles

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Since the time we were little, I have always had speculations about my friend, Eric's, sexuality. Within the last year he decided it was time to come out to his family and friends. I was not as shocked as everyone else because I had always thought this of him. It was much more noticeable for me while we were growing up because we spent more time together than with anyone else. Over the summer on vacation Eric stopped me and said he needed to talk about something. He said he did not know how to say this and was afraid that me and our other friends would disown if we knew the truth. I knew what he was going to say at that moment and I told him that I already knew and I had no problem with it. From that moment on he has been comfortable with telling me all of his problems and opinions relating to his homosexuality. Seeing firsthand the difficulty homosexuals face in their lifestyles, marriages, and adoptions has enlightened me.

As Eric began getting more involved in his lifestyle he met a new friend who was also homosexual and eventually this friendship evolved into a relationship. His parents were more apprehensive and referred to his boyfriend as his friend They did not feel that they should attend family events together and slowly started pushing him out of the family. On the other hand, when I introduced my new girlfriend to my family they were excited to meet her and invited her to a family reunion. It is also easier for me to walk in public holding hands with my girlfriend than it is for Eric and his boyfriend. It is very awkward as society is still close-minded to this lifestyle. Eric invited me and some of our friends to come along with him to our first gay club one weekend in New Orleans. The club was not the type of club that I am accustomed to. However, there was loud music, dancing and a bar like the other clubs, but it was different. It was different because at this gay club the people are more hands on and they touch and hug the club-goers. This is the homosexual hangout and there were very minimal heterosexuals insight.

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