Distracted By Technology

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Rubrics “are you distracted by technology?”
Technology has greatly influence our lives and lately has become a major part of a normal lifestyle. Technology is everywhere, for example, at work, school and many other places. We are overwhelmed with it. Technology is very useful to help you at work when you need to find information. In our community technology is greatly used as a distraction and affects the world around us. I think many people get distracted by technology, sometimes we are doing things of the real live and we try to finish it quickly to get the phone to be on Facebook, Instagram, etc... We believe it or not our brain is focused on going to phone or electronic device because it is as if we needed to be on the phone or electronic …show more content…

People spend so much time on Facebook, this is a really big problem today because it’s so addicting. When you are on Facebook there’s always something new. New videos, pictures, and websites you can spend a lot of your time on. Many people fall into the illusion of Facebook and distract themselves from the world around them. Teens and adults get an urge to always know the latest information and to see the photos of their friends. Without Facebook many people are …show more content…

“Almost continuous access to social media sites means that it is difficult to switch yourself off from some form of social networking” [2]. Extra use of technology create a habit on us and when is habit be must the time on electronic devices is really difficult do something else than use the phone or laptop. We can forget, take a shower, brush our teeth because the bad habit that causes us to overuse of technology. “Productivity levels in workplaces and schools face dips when people become distracted by their social networks” [2]. At the moment of study or work cannot be distraction because it greatly affects our performance.
“Smartphone internet speeds have made it even easier to access social networks on at the work and school” [6]. The internet has a lot of information, many connections and many social networks get us easily distracted.
“Students who were less distracted had higher GPAs than students who switched back and forth fairly often and those who regularly check Facebook or text messages” [9]. The concentration is directly proportional, higher concentration gives you a better performance at work or

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