Disorganized Life

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Why do students have poor grades? Probably they have a disorganized life, insufficient review and practice, and poor class attendance. There may also be other factors that may be social and psychological in nature. However, for this argument, I will concentrate on the first three reasons. A disorganized life is a no-no in our mulch-tasking world of today. In order to function effectively, they have to perform the required work efficiently. They should be conscious of the time and strictly follow the deadlines. Better yet, they must have a personal calendar in order to organize their daily duties and responsibilities. Schedules of daily activities and due dates should be plotted on the calendar. Doing so will enable the students to work at the …show more content…

If the lesson needs an application or hands-on activity but the teacher failed to deliver it, the students will most likely to have a poor retention of the required skills. By the time that they will be tested for mastery, they fail to become articulate about the subject or perform poorly in the required skill. Poor attendance or non-attendance is another major factor in obtaining poor grades. Failure to attend classes regularly would mean missing out on important lessons. To be truant will make it difficult to the student to cope with the missed seat works and assignments. Likewise, the student will also lose the opportunity to see the demonstrations and performances of the teacher and fellow students. Worse, truant students are prone to get involved with gangs, street crimes, and illegal trades. Juvenile delinquency, as much as possible, should be prevented. School authorities and parents should be notified immediately if the student failed to come to school. A phone call home or office of the parent should be done as soon as possible. Knowing these three major factors for obtaining poor grades, measures should be done to prevent

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