Disorganized Home

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A messy, disorganized home is a huge source of stress for busy families who are torn between all of their other responsibilities besides cleaning. If the piles of junk are not handled fast, then they can quickly get even worse, though. Luckily, a home that has an organization system in place can easily prevent this from happening. All it takes is some creative storage containers and a little bit of extra time. Read on for some tips on organizing that will clear your clutter and cut down on cleaning.

1. Papers

All papers that are brought home should be put into one of three baskets. There should be one for items that have to be dealt with immediately, another for items that should be filed, and one for magazines or books that can be reviewed at leisure. Junk mail and things that are not needed should be tossed immediately. Keep the baskets mounted to the wall by the front door, so the organization is done right away. If there are already piles of paper throughout the home, then sort them in the same way, or get some help from the professionals at www.skillsetorganizing.com. …show more content…


Most department stores sell tiny dressers with several drawers to them. They are little enough to fit under the kitchen and bathroom sinks or up on top of closet shelves. Put labels on the front of them, so you know what is inside without having to search through them all. These are great for storing and organizing hygiene items, office supplies, or even underclothes. An added benefit of using a small dresser is that there will only be enough room for a few things, so it helps to reduce the amount of items that you keep.

3. Cleaning

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