Discussion on Whether Stalin Was a Necessary Evil

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Discussion on Whether Stalin Was a Necessary Evil

Marxism was a doctrine formulated by Karl Marx about the elimination

of economic inequality and class conflicts. According to Marxism

social and political relationships depend on economic factors because

whichever group in society controls the "means of production" also has

political control. Marx believed that historical change was a series

of stages that were influenced by economic forces and that each stage

had to be completed before the next could begin. In a classes and

stateless society, co-operation will replace competition and this

final and perfect stage of human history would be communism.

In Russia the government was essentially feudal, the majority of the

population were peasants, and capitalism was in its infancy. Lenin

realised that in order to bring about revolution Marxism would have to

be adopted to suit these conditions. Lenin developed the argument that

the economic resources that imperialism provided were used to "buy

off" workers in capitalist countries by improving working and living

conditions. This made workers less revolutionary, as the system did

not appear to be treating them badly. His view of the dictatorship of

the Proletariat was that the Party would form a dictatorship to fight

counter-revolutionary attempts, take away private property and end

free enterprise to build a secure socialist state.

The 1917 February Revolution saw the end of the Romanov dynasty as

Tsar Nicholas abdicated and his place soviets (Russian for councils)

were set up across the country to represent soldiers, workers and

peasants, which allowed the Provisional Government led by A...

... middle of paper ...

...onstraints. Stalin established system that

lacked a smooth transition of power after his death and dragged the

USSR into a Cold War with America who had the ability to out produce

and out spend because of its market based economy and privatisation of


Stalin's harsh polices are indefensible on a moral or human level. The

idea of the end justifying the means as his modus operandi was

erroneous and the staggering cost in human lives overrides any

progression achieved under a brutal rule.


1. (From Page 2)- A quote from one of Stalin's speeches


· Dimitri Volkogonov, 1991,Stalin: Triumph and Tragedy, Phoenix Press,


· Vicki Greer and Robert Darlington, 2002, Flashpoints: National and

International Studies, Heinemann- Hardcourt Education, Melbourne.

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