Joseph Stalin: The Rise Of The Russian Revolution

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Joseph Stalin At the start of the 20th century, Russia began to rapidly change. The Czarist autocracy that was previously in place was overthrown and the most influential family, the Romanovs, were no more. The Russian Revolution was soon in full swing and people were needed to take charge. One of the leader who emerges as a result of this is Joseph Stalin. Starting out as a simple countryside peasant, he quickly rose to a position of power. Eventually reaching the position of dictator, he implemented new policies that would further industrialize Russia as well as further progressing his goal of having total control over the Russian people. These policies include his 5-year plans as well as the creation of a totalitarian state. Joseph Stalin is, by many, considered one of the most ruthless leaders in the history of the world. Born Joseph Djugashvili, on December 18, 1879, Joseph Stalin would later go on to change his surname to …show more content…

Another goal of his new policy was to erase all capitalistic elements previously imposed by Lenin within Russia. Russian peasants just won their land from the nobles after the revolution, and now Stalin was taking it all back. Peasants were not happy with this. Many began to protest by killing livestock and burning fields. Stalin soon began killing many of these protestors or sending them to gulags. Eventually all farms became governmental property and soon giant collectivized farms were established. By the end of the 1930’s wheat production had risen exponentially. In the end, many peasants were able to leave the countryside and work in factories. Russia was also able to export much of its grain in order to fund further industrialization. But again, the human cost of this policy was monumental. Many people starved because of the protesting and many also were murdered by the government in order to force others to

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