Discrimination: Sexuality Perception

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Discrimination exist not only because of people’s ignorance, but due to the fact that people are impotent to accept others. With that statement, is it true that gay and lesbian are discriminated because society in general have very little knowledge of them or is it because society cannot accept homosexuals? However, there are many theories and explanations that defines the reason for hate crimes toward homosexual people. For instance, in the documentary about hate crimes and discrimination for the homosexual society, FagBug by Erin Davies reveals that many people disapprove homoerotic society because of religion and mostly due to it being gross. Even though Erin’s interviewees claim that they do not accept gays and lesbians because of religion, Erin believes that the bigotry towards homosexual is just hate. Despite the many reasons to discriminate on gays and lesbians, Erin actions on handling the hate crimes she encountered was very efficient and harmonious. As a result, I believe that discriminations occur because of society’s impotent ability to accept others lifestyle. Discr...

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