Discoid Meniscus Research Paper

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Discoid Meniscus

A meniscus is a wedge of tough, rubbery tissue in the knee. Each menisci stablizies the knee and absorbs shock. A discoid meniscus is a meniscus that is shaped differently than normal. It may be:

Thicker and wider than normal (incomplete).

Thicker than normal, oval, and over the whole top of the shinbone (complete).

Not attached to the shinbone and able to move around inside the knee (hypermobile Wrisberg).

There is one meniscus on the inside and outside of each knee. Discoid meniscus usually affects the a meniscus on the outside of the knee. Having this condition makes the meniscus more likely to tear.

The cause of this condition is not known. You are born with this condition.

This condition

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