Disability And Social Disability

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When people hear the word “disability” mostly they straightaway think of someone in a wheelchair however disability can be someone who is blind, deaf, someone who has the mental illness, someone with permit illness, people with learning disabilities or people who have brain injuries. This assignment will discuss possible advantage and problems of disability and understand this feature of our lives as entirely social contracted. It will contain more information about types of disabilities and how it changed to social contracted now and before with evidence and references.

In society the concept of disability has changed over the years, in the 17th century disability was seen as a problem, where individuals with disability would be put into …show more content…

There are two different approaches into understanding and analysing disability. The first approach is the medical model of disability, this approach looks at disability as a pathological “state that is confined to the individual”. This model treats individuals with disability as a primarily form of social deviance. The other approach is the social model of disability, this approach treats disability has a social issue as well as this this approach looks at disability as a “adopts a critical analysis of the social oppression of disabled individuals, and the social model of disability, which is characterised by a distinction between “disability” and “impairment”. Acording to “sociology of disability” (Kutner 2007; Thomas 2007; Williams 1998). Field would treat disability a social issues and would analysing the social forces as well as the social relation to produce and construct disability. Also they ways it looks at influence and diffeculies lived experience of disability (Thomas 2007, 181-2). Therefore “the field would attempt to claim for disability what sociology has claimed for age, gender, race, and social class (Zola …show more content…

Another example can be that a medical model teacher would deny a disable student that is blind by not meeting their needs for example instead of the teacher saving a place at the front of the class the teach would place that individual at the back knowing they won’t be able to see. A medical teacher would not differentiate to provide a learning environment for example not repeating things and checking if the individual understands. Individuals with the medical point of view would not acknowledge the barriers that an individual with disability would like to access. Another example is a teacher who refuses to make available a copy of a PowerPoint presentation before a lecture, which creates a barrier to learning for the dyslexic students in the group who has a slower processing and writing speed and who will struggle to understand. The medical model of disability believes individuals that are disabled by their impairments are differences however the social model of disability say

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