Different Ways and Techniques to Help Children Read and Write

675 Words2 Pages

Discuss how important you think each of the following factors may be

in helping children learn to read and write.

There are many different ways and techniques used to help children

learn to read and write. Each of these approaches has different

advantages and some are more effective than the others. This essay

will discuss these different approaches and how important they are in

helping children to learn to read and write. Some of the approaches

that will be discussed are the phonics approach, reading schemes and

positive reinforcement.

The phonics approach involves using actions and sounds to help

children read and learn the relationships between sounds and letters.

For example teachers use repetition of the letter sounds and arm

movements to help children spell out words. The use of repetition

would make it easier for the child to remember the sounds, for example

if the teacher were to repeat the sound of the letter “a”, the

children would repeat this and would have it locked in their memories,

which in turn would make it easier for them to read or write the


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