Difference Between Vegetarianism And Non Vegetarianism

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Personal health has become more of a hot topic as of late. What a person consumes directly correlates to personal health. There are many different opinions on what “diet” is the healthiest. Vegetarianism versus non-vegetarianism (omnivorous) is a perfect example of opposing views of healthy diets. Vegetarian advocates argue that vegetarianism is a healthy and moral diet while non-vegetarians argue that eating meats and animal by-products is essential to human life. “In the United States, about three to four percent of the population is estimated to be strictly vegetarian” (Opposing Viewpoints). “A vegetarian diet relies mainly on the consumption of vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts, seeds, fruits, and mushrooms, along with products made from …show more content…

This does not mean they are at a disadvantage health wise. One also must not assume they are not for animal rights or environmentally conscious. Non-vegetarians do not believe eating meat is unethical. Non-vegetarians consider animals a natural food source. They also believe it is their right to eat whatever they choose. While it is true factory farms do exist, ethical treatment is on the rise due to awareness of factory farming. “US slaughterhouses must conform to the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act (HMSA) which mandates that livestock be stunned unconscious before slaughter” (ProCon). Many non-vegetarians consume game meat, which aides in avoiding steroids and antibiotics used in most factory farming. Non-vegetarians ingest a lot of iron from meat based products through their diet. Iron is a central part of hemoglobin which carries oxygen in the blood. Although vegetarians claim to receive all essential nutrition through a plant-based diet, studies show otherwise. Studies have shown that vegetarians are more likely than non-vegetarians to be deficient in iron (Opposing viewpoints). Along with iron, another essential part of a healthy diet is the consumption healthy saturated fats. Saturated fats enhance the function of the immune and nervous system. Saturated fats are found in animal products including meats and dairy products. Even though consuming excess amounts of saturated fats is deemed unhealthy, saturated fats are essential to carry fat-soluble vitamins in the body. The key to consuming saturated fats is moderation. “The recommended maximum consumption of saturated fat is ≤10% of calories in the diet” (EUFIC). A non-vegetarian, meat centered diet can also lead to weight loss. Because it takes fewer calories to ingest protein from meat products, weight loss can be achieved with a meat based protein centered diet. Consuming

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