Difference Between High School And Academy

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The topic I choiced to write about is high school vs. academy. I will be talking about similarities and difference for high school and academies. Academies and schools have some common things and one of them is that they both provide education. A main difference between school and academy is that academy is higher education in specialized field while school provided primary and secondary education. High school started in the nineteenth century. High school was to help the middle-class get more educated and have students go to a more public school than private. “Some Middle-class parents wanted a secondary school that, unlike the private academy, was part of the public school system.” (Gutek, P.125) Middle-class parents wanted their children to be in a multipurpose secondary school that could prepare the students for college admission and others as managers and skilled workers. At the start of the high school era, only boy were allowed to get educated. More women than men taught in elementary, while more men than women taught in high school. High school teachers salaries was more than elementary. The reason was for this is because high school teachers graduated with a college degree, while elementary teachers graduated from normal schools, do not have a college degree. Another reason why high …show more content…

This school was for only males. Boys needed to be at least twelve years old and had to pass an entrance examination. The entrance examination was in reading, writing, grammar, and arithmetic. The high school had a three-year program which had courses in English Language and literature, natural science, mathematics, and ancient and American history. When 1840 came around Massachusetts had twenty-six high schools. Philadelphia, Cleveland, and Chicago opened their own high schools. These cities all had one thing in common though and that was their curriculum that was inherited from the academies: Normal, classical Latin and Greek, and terminal

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