Did Jesus Really Die

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The resurrection of Jesus has been questioned for many centuries. Speculators asked “Did Jesus really die”? Some feel this is not enough evidence to prove what actually occurring during these three days. His crucifixion was witnessed, but what actually occurred while Jesus’ body lay in the tomb? No one really knows what actually took place during the time.
Did Jesus die? “Death was confirmed by a lancing piercing his chest, releasing “blood” and water” (John 19:34)” (Miller, 2009, pg. 353). The water signified the clear fluids the exits the body when is it pierced. Along with the blood coming Jesus’ body should have been enough evidence to show the he was dead. The body that laid on the cross was his actually body, but his spirit was still alive waiting on God to revive him.
According to Knight, “Jesus was resurrected early Sunday morning, just as He has predicted. These were not three full days but full day and part of one say on which he was buried (Friday) and part of the day on which He was resurrected (Sunday)” (2001, pg. 243). Jesus had predicted the resurrection but they did not believe him. They did not want to believe that he was the Messiah, but he had proof of that he could raise people the dead. He made believers out of those who did not believe in him. …show more content…

The tomb signifies last earthly life of Jesus and then beginning of his spiritual life. When the women went to the tomb, the tomb was empty. “The angels told the women that tomb was empty because Jesus has been raised from the dead, and the angels reminded that Jesus has predicted not only His crucifixion but also His resurrection (Luke 24:6b-7)’ (Knight, 2001, pg. 244). The empty represented the death of Jesus and it also was a symbol of new beginning. Jesus was brought back to life after his sacrifice to cleanse us of sin. No one pay attention to his predications, but Jesus knew it would make people

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