The Death of Jesus

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The Death of Jesus

On the sixth hour, darkness engulfed the land. Then on the ninth hour

Jesus cried out loudly "Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani". Translated this

mean ,"my God my God, why have you deserted me?" When some of the

people watching heard this they said, "Listen he is calling on Elijah"

Someone then ran up with a reed with a sponge on it, soaked in vinegar

and tried to get Jesus to drink it. Then Jesus cried out loudly and

breathed his last breath. A centurion watching him said, "In truth

this man was a son of god".

The death of Jesus and the events running up to his death helps us to

better our understanding, of the significance of Jesus dying for us.

For this reasons Christian have

drawn up certain beliefs about the importance of the death of the

messiah. Many prophecy in the old testament were fulfilled by his

death. Examples of this are shown in these two psalms:22:18-the is

predicted Jesus clothes being gambled by the soilders,22 and 109

passer-by's mock Jesus on the cross. Atonement, we believe that

everyone in the world has sinned. For this reason if were to commit a

sin your personally relationship with god would be non existent. It

was only when Jesus a truly innocent being could be sacrificed could

the link between god and people be restored .Death is evil

powerfulness weapon against mankind by Jesus dying and rising from the

dead conquered death and in a mater of words liberated from death and

now leads the way for us to over come evil. It is very hard to follow

the path of god, but it is when we see Jesus willingly accepting to go

through unimaginable pain and to die a cross. By accepting this task

he earned the position Lord of humanity. Today we still don't

understand the importance of the resurrection in relation to gods

"plan". Through his suffering he achieved perfection by doing what God


Jesus death was highly important as it show us the importance of his

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