Dictatorial Leaders Essay

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Dictatorial leaders would enforce children living apart from their families for many reasons. One could be that their home life is terrible. Another reason could be that they want to control and raise your child the way they want. There are many different types of situations in which a child may be taken away from their parents and siblings. How would you feel if your parents were alcoholics? How would you feel if your parents abused you both physically and mentally? How would you feel if your parents had an addiction with some type of drug? How would you feel being taken away for no reason and brought up by strangers? Never be too quick to judge someone by their appearance when you know nothing about them. Being stereotyped is just wrong. Before you speak, think. Before you judge, listen. Look around and observe before drawing a conclusion. Think how you would want to be treated. Everyone you meet is fighting some type of battle, big or small, right or wrong. Children can’t control what their parents choose to do with their lives. If the parents choose to abuse their children, smoke different things in front of them, and abuse alcohol, than their child definitely needs to be taken away from them and put into protective custody. The law may enforce this way of living for the children to keep them out of danger. I believe that the law is doing the right thing by enforcing laws to help out with everyday real life situations. Kids should be the number one priority for all involved. If a child was to get taken away from their family, it would be very difficult for the child to adjust to the change. The child may not nor ever understand why they are separated from their family. If this is the case, then the child ... ... middle of paper ... ... themselves and what would benefit them and their countries. In that case, it is totally wrong to displace children from their parents. They are human beings and need to be treated like one, not like a robot. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a kind word, a smile, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring. All of which have the potential to turn a life around. If you see someone that sits alone at lunch, ask them if they would like to sit with you. If you see someone without a smile, lend them one of yours. If you see a child that is struggling with his homework, help them out! A simple, kind gesture could change that child’s attitude. Stand up for the special needs kids and treat them like you would anybody else. Like I’ve mentioned before, be kind to everyone you meet. You never know what battle they are fighting.

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