Diabetes Informative Speech Outline

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Imagine a young child playing, waiting for their parent to come home, but when they do, they look upset and nervous. Running towards them, they say, ¨Come, sit, I have something I need to share with you,¨ and they learn that their parent has diabetes, and their whole life is going to change. It could also be the opposite story, trying to tell a child they have diabetes and have to deal with the difficulties of watching what they eat, exercising regularly, and going to the doctor for regular check-ups. The rest of their life they have to act like an adult, even as a child. People deal with these problems every day. Once diagnosed with diabetes, there is the struggle of trying to break old habits, or start new ones, healthier ones. Struggling with diabetes is a hard, complicated life. Plans have to change, lives have to change. When working with diabetes, one needs to know the causes and possible effects, symptoms, and how to overcome it. Diabetes occurs when insulin in the body can not be used properly. Insulin is what that breaks down the glucose in one's body, which results in an overabundance of glucose (The Effects, 1). There are two main types of diabetes: type 1, and type 2. …show more content…

It is caused by environmental factors, such as genes and viruses (Symptoms and Causes, 1). When left with little to no insulin, one's body can begin to create insulin, but in doing so, it also produces a large amount of ketone bodies and acids. This may lead to a disease known as diabetic ketoacidosis. Diabetic ketoacidosis may lead to extreme thirst, urination, and fatigue. In the worst cases, it can lead to loss of consciousness or death. One way to test the level of ketone bodies, is to check one´s breath to see if it has a sweet scent, or a high amount of ketone bodies (Symptoms and Causes,

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