Developments in Middle Childhood

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Children between the ages of 8-12 are defined as being within the developmental stage of middle childhood. At this age, the rapid development of previous stages has decreased and the physical changes within this period are slower and more defined. The refinement of gross and fine motor skills is a critical aspect of this stage as the delayed or retarded development can have significant impact on the areas of cognitive, social and emotional development. In order to ensure children are equipped with the correct knowledge and understanding of health, well being and healthy eating, the period of middle childhood is one in which these aspects are incorporated and failure to properly do so can result in long term ramifications and problems. Middle Childhood is a distinct period of development where a child develops physically, cognitively and social-emotionally. Between the school years of 3 and 7, children begin to gain an understanding of themselves in comparison to others, learn large amounts of information, manage their behaviour and also develop self-concepts and self-esteem. (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010.) Gross motor skills in middle childhood have become a smooth movement and are no longer awkward as in previous stages. For most children there is an emerging interest in performing physical activities using the increased competence and skill that have been developed. As children gain muscle coordination movements such as running, skipping, jumping, throwing and catching become proficient and are able to be performed correctly. Through the performance of physical activity in children there is a continued positive effect on the motor development and further refinement of actions. During this developmental stage, it ... ... middle of paper ... ...rieved on 10 March 2012 from$File/kids_phys.pdf Global health risks: mortality and burden of disease attributable to selected major risks. (2009) WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Healthy Kids, Active Kids. (2011). Healthy Kids. Retrieve on 5 March 2012 from[1].pdf Marsh, C.J. (2010). Becoming a teacher: Knowledge, skills and issues. Frenchs Forest, Sydney, NSW: Pearson Australia Martin, K. (2010) Brain Boost: sport and physical activity enhance children’s learning. Retrieved from McDevitt, T. M., & Ormrod, J. E. (2010). Child development and education. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.

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