How Does Play Affect Child Development

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(a) motor development: This is probably the most obvious of the many developmental necessities for play. It is accepted that children acquire and develop motor skills, both gross and fine, in a somewhat predictable sequence during growth. Unstructured and structured play may both offer opportunities for children to get to know their bodies and repeat essential movement patterns. The exploration and practice of those emerging skills are critical to attaining the next level of movement or motor abilities. This is probably most evident as regards locomotor skills, which are altered and advanced through a person’s life. The sequence of creeping and crawling all the way to galloping and running is dependent upon consistent and unfettered movement …show more content…

Science has determined us that play is necessary for essentially all aspects of child development. It has been described as the means by which children learn about their world and prepare to take their place in it. Frederich Froebel said “Play is the work of Children.” (Hammond, 2009) It has been established that play is crucial for learning how to interact in a group setting. This includes essential life skills such as sharing and taking turns; developing the ability to communicate effectively, demonstrating personal wants and needs and being able to discern the same in others. Other features of social growth learned through play are conflict resolution and problem solving, either individually or with others. Leadership skills are practiced, teaching children how to be in charge and how to follow others. In play children use and enlarge imagination, are presented with success and failure, and build confidence. (Kail. 2007) Rough and tumble play demands use of physical skills, contributes to social development, and increases sensory awareness. (Forenchich. 2006) When children play with their parents, it presents an opportunity to get to know and bond with each other. Play is preparation for adulthood and adult

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