Democracy and Modernism: Country Examples

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It has been really an wonderful week learning about one of the most controversial country of the modern time, Iran, because of its rigidity towards the Nuclear program and Shariah law thus result to continuous violation of human rights. Yet we all have to admit it the journey of Iran had been full of struggle because of inefficient ruler and thus lead to fall in economic, social and political aspect of the people over the course of history. The current status of Iran have both ups and down but it is economy, at the end of the day, which makes all the difference to the acceptance of a particular approach by the people.

The impact of modernity is multidimensional to the traditional societies. The main appealing factor of modernity what I believe is social equity, freedom and independence also development of infrastructures which increases the standard of living. This is why people all over the world are too attracted to modernity. However, all the elements of modernity is not suitable for all the parts of the world and more precisely in greater extent the historical and cultural background of the people which largely influences the establishment of elements of modernity on a particular landmass. For an instance, we all are aware of the fact that democracy is an element of modernity and so is secularism. In the course of history of many countries we have seen traditional elements were brought by element of modernity or traditional elements reserved elements of modernity. In order to clear out the fact let me put some examples

Turkey and Iran:
The military personnel are always conscious about the preservation of Kemalism in the modern Turkey. Thus there has been several impacts upon the democracy by military coups in the modern ...

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...t when they will be aware of their human rights, mainly the rights of freedom of thought and speech, freedom of belief, rights of LGBT, and individual freedom. So we can expect economic development lead to more educated citizen leading to creation of self-conscious section of society. So in order to keep its establishment the reformation of religion or the liberal interpretation is necessary.

Iran needs to gain many elements from modernity. Islam in no way can be solution to the challenges of modern times. Although it is claimed by the fundamentalist section of the believers that it does, Iran could not prove this extraordinary claim nor in a way to prove it so. Human beings have to realize the fact that tradition was created addressing to a social challenge and human life is dynamic. Adaption leads to exist otherwise annihilated by natural selection process.

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