Deinstitutionalization Mental Health Care

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Myriad contemporary trends have emerged in a bid to revitalize the mental or psychiatrist correctional approaches. Some of these include deinstitutionalization concept as far as mental care is concerned. It is indisputable to stipulate that the use of long-term institutions have had a substantial impact on the process of handling mental cases in the society. From definition perspective, deinstitutionalization refers to the process that incorporates the transfer of patients who have mental disorders, as well as, development disabilities from the long-term institutions. These institutions are perceived to facilitate an environment of isolation as far as the patients are concerned. These patients are moved to an integrated community-based mental health service. There are two approaches that are used to facilitate deinstitutionalization. First, the concept is used to reduce the population size of these mental institutions through releasing of the patient population in the institutions. That includes reducing the rate of admissions and even readmissions. Secondly, the second one focuses on conducting reforms on the mental hospital institutional processes. These reforms are expected to eliminate high level of dependency and other maladaptive demeanor. …show more content…

First, the essay incorporates a general overview of the concept in a bid to depict the extent of understanding of the concept. Secondly, the essay will provide an analysis of the impact of deinstitutionalization over the last 35 years especially in consideration of the criminal justice system. Further, the essay will provide a detailed overview of the advantages, as well as, disadvantages of deinstitutionalization. It will also provide the manner in which the mental health issues are supposed to be addressed especially in the correctional

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