Definition Of Passion Essay

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The English word 'passion' comes from the Greek word pathos; and like the English word 'passion,' pathos has more than one meaning. It can mean something that happens to you good or bad. From there it came to mean a feeling that you suffer - a passionate desire.

It is a well known fact that we perform our best when we are passionate about what we are doing. As the matter a fact this is so important that we can not be completely fulfilled if we are not living a passionate exciting life. We feel inspired when we are passionate. It enables us to overcome obstacles and gives us an ability to see the world as a place of infinite potential.

The other characteristic of passion is that you can't fake it. We can spot someone who is not sincere about what he is doing from a mile away. A charlatan, although a good actor at times, always lacks in the spirit that true passion brings. Anyone with even a little bit of intuitive ability can spot this shortcoming. …show more content…

Some people like extreme sports, and others enjoy collecting stamps. To be honest it really doesn't matter how we define passion as long as it is there.

We all know that if there is no passion in a relationship, sooner or later it will stop being relative and seize to exist. As well we can attest that if we are passionate about what we do for a living, we will be better at it and stick with it for a longer period of time. So what can we do to be more passionate?

Passion stems from deep within us. It is often something that reflects an unfulfilled desire in our selves. For example if our emotions were repressed for a long period of time, we might find our selves drawn to some extreme way of expressing our selves. People who like extreme sports or anything else that puts their life in danger might fall into that category.

So to become more passionate we have to pay close attention to what is it that evokes high level of positive emotion in us. And then do more of

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