What Was The Difference Between Fanaticism And Fervor

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Both fanaticism and fervor are expressions of support for a cause that involves strong emotions and dedication to a set of values. Yet, the two evoke markedly different connotations. Fervor is often seen as praiseworthy, inspiring, and admirable because it merges the intellectual and emotional aspects of humanity and aligns them together in the pursuit of moral and religious values. This allows a person to rally for a cause or have a spiritual experience in a rational manner, while also being emotionally invested. Furthermore, a person with a properly balanced religious perspective recognizes multiple values. Thus, is compromising concerning other opinions since he does not consider one issue paramount or prioritized above all others. Fanaticism, on the other hand, is viewed as negative, threatening, single mindedness, and belligerent. This is because a fanatic focuses on one aspect he is passionate about, but neglects the rest in a disproportionate manner. It is not fanaticism itself, advocating negativity and violence, but that the fanatic’s position is intolerant of other ideas. The quality of …show more content…

When Pinchas acted and killed Zimri in a fit of religious passion because he saw the Simonite leader laying with a Midianite woman, it was done with fervor. Pinchas assessed the situation and took initiative, not at the expense of others or to further his own gain, but to glorify G-d Whose commandments were being openly mocked. Pinchas was concerned with the spiritual danger facing Bnei Yisroel, and was willing to risk his life to eliminate the threat. Moreover, Pinchas had no obligation to do anything and could have let the situation pass. However, he understand the opportunity here, and was willing to put both spiritual and material welfare to the side in order to carry out G-d’s

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