Definition Of Fear Essay

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I agree with this statement. I think animals are capable of feeling fear because it is what we feel whenever we sense danger. I think they can feel pain because we can’t really know if anyone else is feeling it, we infer it by how they act, and most of the things we do whenever we feel pain can also be observed in animals. We use fear as a way to protect ourselves and it is needed for survival. Since animals can’t reason, they only have their instinct to survive, then they must feel it.
Fear is an emotion caused by the presence of danger. Whenever we sense danger, we feel fear. Animals use their senses, they see, smell and listen for anything unusual, in order to sense danger. A human who feels fear, will do anything in order to make it stop. If they are afraid of heights then they will avoid getting on top of tall things. An animal that can sense danger, and, going by the definition of fear, feel fear, will do whatever it must in order to survive, just like a human does in order to avoid feeling fear and, in some cases, survive. …show more content…

We can only infer that someone is in pain by the way they act, but we can never be sure of what they are feeling. Most of the reactions that humans have whenever they are in physical pain are similar to those of animals. If we apply the same logic that we apply to other humans, and I don’t see why we shouldn’t, we can infer that animals can also feel physical pain. Humans can also feel another type of pain: emotional. It is unclear if animals have emotions, besides the ones that are needed for survival, therefore, we can’t know if the feel this type of

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