Unfurling the Meaning of 'Old Glory': A Personal Perspective

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What does "Old Glory" mean to me? The name Old Glory is a nickname given to the united states flag, representing the fifty stars of the united states. The red stripes represent our strength and courage, while the white represents our purity and innocence and the stars representing our fifty states. How could "Old Glory" be defined by a stranger walking the street? It could simply be a flag that students rise in the morning at school, or a flag that America uses to represent how far it has come in these years of indulging new information that has helped create the freedom we have today, but with that said "Old Glory" has so much more meaning in the name and what it is representing. The nickname "Old Glory" isn't just another name for me, although the flag represents how far the U.S. has come, it reminds us about our history, why americans should be glad we live in a country that gives us the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of who we want to be. So far the U.S. has had various battles for our freedom, quite a few ended up …show more content…

Provided with just that, that name, that flag, is deeper than people view it to be, to me it represents our freedom, it represents all the young men who left their children, wives, mothers to leave for war, they were lucky enough to even return home. Numerous take advantage of the flag today by the reason of they have a choice too, considering they don't know what it's like to live in a time where children and adults were controlled by the government, we still are today but not as restrained. They went through nothing but a dry spell, they were still fighting for their rights and recieved punishment for making their voice heard, could you imagine? Just speaking your mind as you do today? And recieve punishment for your actions? Back then you couldn't pull the "I want a Lawyer" they didn't give you no options, nothing at

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