Definition Essay: The Role Of Spiritual Blindness In Religion

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To be spiritually blind is to not see Christ, and not to see Christ is not to see God. Those who reject Christ are lost, but those who are blind to Christ are perished. The figure of blindness is a favorite device of Isaiah, who repeatedly announces to rebellious Israel that God has afflicted them and their apostate prophets, priests, and rules with blindness. Spiritual blindness refers in some instances to the inability of unbelievers to comprehend spiritual truth, specifically failure to recognize the true identity of the incarnate Word, Jesus Christ. It is vital, therefore, to conduct all Christian witness in dependence on the Holy Spirit, who works to counteract the cataracts of Satan and to reveal the truth of God. But spiritual blindness can also afflict believers who fail to perceive their true spiritual condition. To avoid the plague of spiritual blindness and escape the condemnation of leading others into spiritual ruin, believers must be quick to appropriate and obey the Word of God. Spiritual blindness is usually connected to the bible, but I believe spiritual blindness can be connected to every religion and have a different meaning. According to a preacher at …show more content…

To choose not to listen about God or any religious figure is ignorance. You don’t have to believe, but it’s important to learn and expand your mind. Spiritual blindness is just that, ignorance to religion. According to an interview I gave, the person, when asked, What does spiritual blindness mean to you? stated, “To me, it means you are a very closed minded about all religions.” I agree with this statement. A close minded person is someone who doesn’t want to know, they choose not to know. Similar to what Ed Wood, a retired southern Baptist minister, stated, “They may be able to fully understand some facts, many things in life that are true. But a spiritually blind person is incapable of digesting, comprehending, perceiving the true meaning of spiritual

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