Declaration Of Independence Research Paper

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On July 4, 1776, 56 wealthy, White men asserted, “All men are created equal” as they signed The Declaration of Independence. Thirteen years later, George Washington, became the first president of the United States of America, a nation where only six percent of the population could vote (Huskerson). This drastic departure from the principles of the Declaration of Independence represents the beginning of the endless cycle of political deception. Like most political decisions, disregarding the Declaration of Independence was motivated by self-interest. The Declaration of Independence represents the self-interest of rebels, and the attendees of the 1787 Constitutional convention were no longer rebels. Instead, they were wealthy, White men seeking …show more content…

They were freed into a world that gave them no opportunity for independence. To remain in the South was to once again be subjected to servitude. Taking advantage of their fragile social status, politicians began characterizing Black people as stupid, corrupt, hyper-sexual, and innately criminal. Their evidence was in the high rates of Black crime and the forced lynching’s this incurred (274). Their narrative allowed the conviction of any Black man accused of rape, and the acquittal of any White man accused of raping a Black woman. The post-reconstruction era policies show Republicans did not care about Black people, and that skewed policies were in the self-interest of Southern …show more content…

The act, which the court suggested was made to prevent corruption, mute the voice of the rich, and slow the increasing cost of political campaigns. Was deemed unconstitutional in the 1976 Buckley v Valeo decision because the court decided monetary donations was correlated with political support. What this does not consider is the value of $1000 to a rich person compared to a poor person. It deems all equal monetary contributions equal in level of

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