Declaration Of Independence Research Paper

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Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence in 1776, which was approved by The Continental Congress in July of that same year. Representatives of each colony signed it in agreement that it blanketed all the issues that needed to be addressed. He was commissioned to compose a document justifying the independence of the North American colonies. It was sent to King George III and the British Parliament after being unanimously agreed upon by representatives from each of the thirteen original colonies. Proclamations and acts created by the British government lead to the colonists claim for independence. It began with the French and Indian War, which lasted from 1754 until 1763. During the French and Indian War, the colonists fought for …show more content…

They did this in order to maintain control over the colonists, as it would be much harder to keep the colonists subdued if they lived beyond the coast, where the renowned Royal British Navy could not reach them. The colonists were furious because they had risked, and lost, lives under the impression that it was going to greatly benefit their lives if the British won against the French. Before the Proclamation of 1763, the colonists had basically been a self-governing body, for it was difficult to get any legislation passed quick enough when the government that was supposed to decree it was across an ocean. So, it caused an uproar when Britain decided to exert more control and power over the colonists. The first act passed was the Sugar Act in 1764, which increased fees on foreign sugar imported from the West Indies and cut them on sugar that was traded though the British Empire. The taxes they imposed on the colonists were there because Great Britain had fallen into debt from the expenses of the French and Indian War. The Quartering Act was passed in 1765 and forced the colonists to house and feed British soldiers if the barracks were full. The colonists considered this to be an invasion of privacy and a violation of private ownership. One of …show more content…

It states a need to be politically independent from Great Britain. It also concisely explains that the people ae entitled to do as such by the laws of nature and of nature’s god. The Preamble then goes on to explain under what circumstances it becomes reasonable for the people to assume independence. The Preamble contains what might be the most recognizable statement in the document, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness…”. It goes on to make clear that there are certain undisputed rights that a political institution should on no occasion violate. If those rights were to ever be violated or the government fails to defend them, the document states, then the people have the right to take matters into their own hands and protect those natural rights themselves by ousting the faulty

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